19.99 GBP
Please enter the last 7 digits of your VIN (letters and numbers only)
Only letters (A-H, J-N, P-R, Z) and numbers are allowed
Road Map NEXT Navigation Update for BMW & MINI
All-in-One Navigation Update Package
This BMW & MINI Navigation Update provides everything you need for an effortless map update:
- FSC Code: For activation.
- Map Files: Latest navigation data for your iDrive system.
- Clear Instruction Guide: Easy-to-follow instructions for a seamless update process.
This update is designed specifically for BMW and MINI iDrive systems equipped with Road Map NEXT Maps.
Unsure If This Is the Correct Map Version for Your iDrive?
Here’s how to confirm compatibility:
- Visit our FAQ section for step-by-step instructions on checking your map version.
- Use our Free BMW VIN Decoder to identify the maps installed on your iDrive system.
- After the VIN lookup, you will receive a detailed PDF.
- Refer to the Head Unit / Map Version section in the PDF results.
Selecting the Correct Map Version
Once you have verified your map version, selecting the right update is simple:
- For example, if your system supports Premium maps, choose the Premium map version.
Get the Road Map NEXT Navigation Update today and ensure your drives are always supported by the latest navigation technology.